Dragon's Heart News
Dragon's Heart Gift Wrap

I think it is probably safe to say that when it comes to gifts, we guitar players are amongst the hardest of people for which to find a great gift.  Our wants and “needs” are always very specific, and unless you are also a player, all of the options can be very confusing and overwhelming.  When you couple that with the high cost of our guitar addiction, you will most likely feel the urge shift your gift search one of our other interests.  I know you really want to get your guitarist something special, so I am going to do my best to steer you in the right direction.  

Custom Engraved Pick

Normally I would save my own product placement for the end of the article, but I wanted to organize this list from lowest cost to highest cost.  If you are already well versed in the Dragon’s Heart Guitar Picks products, skip to the next section.  If you are new to my picks, please take some time after reading this article to browse around our store page.  When it comes to great gifts for guitar players that won’t break the bank, you really cannot go wrong here.  Our picks are well known for being the best available, and we have custom personalization options.  Guitarists will always need more picks and we even have a Dragon’s Heart Holiday Gift Pack that ships out gift wrapped (by me) with a personalized To/From tag.  Also, you can use coupon code BESTGIFT10 to get 10% off anything in our store.  

Now on to the other fun stuff.

Kyser tuner/capo

Plectrums are not the only low priced gift option out there.  On the short list of other good gift ideas in this price range are capos, tuners, and slides.  Even if your intended gift recipient already owns one of these, they are sure to appreciate a back-up.  Plus there are a ton of cool options available like the Quick-Clip Tuner/Capo Combo from Kyser.  This is one nifty little device that does the job of two; a sure fire dual hit.  I do not have a specific recommendation on slides, and if you do a quick web search for “guitar slides”, you will see why.  There are so many options, you are sure to find one that suits your guitarist.

Zither Stand

These next two paragraphs cover roughly the same price range but one product definitely stands out, The Zither Guitar Stand.  Definitely on the pricey side as far as guitar stands go but it is the stand that every player wants.  Most stands are functional and get the job done.  This one does that and looks fantastic while doing it.  This is a guitar stand built to master luthier quality and it looks so good that your player will want to make sure it is on display for all the world to see. 

Zoom G3

Even if the player you are thinking of this season does not fall into the “effect pedal junkie” category like myself, almost every electric guitar player out there enjoys playing around with a new effect pedal.  There are so many great options here that I could easily write an entire book, but the Zoom G3 Multi-effects Pedal is one that I would recommend for any guitarist.   I have spent countless hours playing through this awesome little device.  It has a ton of different effects, amp/cabinet simulations, and a drum machine built in.  The main selling point for me was that it works as a stand alone headphone amp.  This made it my go to unit for traveling or playing late at night.  It is very versatile, user friendly, and I am still finding new ways to make use of it.

Beyond the Zoom G3 there are many other options in the pedal department.  If you are looking to narrow your search, I recommend delay pedals and harmonizer/pitch-shifter pedals as a safe bet.  These effect types are hours of fun and every single one I have ever tried has either brought something new to the table or been of good solid value.

Fanned fret guitar

So this next section may seem a bit precarious and even scary because I am talking about buying an actual guitar.  Specifically though, I am talking about back up guitars or unique guitars.  For this arena, I recommend Rondo Music.  I have bought several guitars from this site over the years and always been satisfied.  Also, many of my students have purchased guitars from them.  They have a lot of variations similar to popular models at much more affordable prices, and they make great back up instruments (or even primary instruments).  I personally never go to a gig with out at least one back up guitar (usually two).  Plus they have some other unique options like fretless guitars and multi-scale guitars.  I personally own one of their fretless guitars and have enjoyed it thoroughly.  Other than Rondo, there are a ton of of unique guitars out there that make great gifts.  Guitarists love guitars, and often times we over-look the joy of the unique, because we are too focused on our perceived need for “the best”.

The Guitar Stool

Hold on to your hat because now we are jumping into the range of the pricey.  The first of this section is a guaranteed winner.  This is the coolest guitar stool I have ever seen and it is simply called, The Guitar Stool.  I am not going to go into great detail on this one, just do yourself a favor and check it out.  If this one doesn’t quite fit bill there are many other guitar themed seating options out there that are sure fit both your player, and your budget.

Brown Haymaker

Only two categories left and now we are finally into the range of the super special gifts.  First we are going to talk about amplifiers.  This category can be very specific to the player with respect to style and preference, but there are some options that all can appreciate.  The number one on my list is the Brown Amplification Haymaker.  This is a hand built, professional grade amplifier that brings much more the game than meets the eye.  One of my friends just got one of these and he simply will not shut up about it.  We occasionally play shows together so I have seen the Haymaker in action and it is awesome.  I will let you follow the link for more details. 

As I said before, amps can be specific.  That being said, there are still gift options out there that all players can appreciate.  Another good bet is simply a small old tube amp.  A “few” years ago my grandmother gave me a 5 watt National Valco tube amp from the 1940’s and it is one of my most prized possessions.  It sounds fantastic and I use it quite often.  There are a lot of these vintage tube amps out there and they are sure to be a cherished gift if you are willing to do a little hunting.

Music Man Majesty

While I would like to say that Dragon’s Heart Guitar Picks are the best gift you could get for any guitar player out there, the truth of the matter is that the best gift is probably one of the dream guitars for which your special player is yearning.  Every player out there, myself included, always has at least one or two guitars for which we are simply pining.  While there is no way for me to tell you which guitar your special someone wants the most, I can advise you how to find out.  It is as easy as asking them about guitars in general.  Striking up a conversation on this subject will ultimately lead to a detailed explanation on why their ideal guitar is “the best standard” by which all instruments should be measured.  You should be prepared for a full blown lecture, but if the conversation stalls, just ask simple questions like “What makes one guitar better from another?” or “Why are they so expensive?”.  Even with out specific leading questions, odds are very good that the player you are talking to will give you all the information you need.  And then some.

If you still are unable to ascertain which guitar to get for that special guitar player in your life, and you are dead set getting them only the best, I do have a couple of recommendations.  On the acoustic side, Taylor Guitars are fantastic.  They have a lot of models to choose from, but you can easily narrow it down even with limited information.  On the electric side, my current favorite is the Music Man John Petrucci Majesty.  I was fortunate enough to have one these in my studio for a little over a week and I have wanted one to call my own ever since.  If anyone is looking for my special gift this year, look no further.  Any color works, I’m not picky;)

I honestly hope this article is helpful to those out there shopping, and at the risk of inundating myself with emails, I do welcome anyone to contact me for guidance/advice on this subject.  I can always be reached at corey@dragonsheartguitarpicks.com.  If you have stuck around to the end of this article, here is your reward.  Use coupon code 202016 for 20% off your purchase in our main online store.  That is our top discount for this season and it is good until the end of 2016.  I want to thank you for reading and, as always…

Play with fire…

In your heart!

Corey W.

 I suppose this is one way to pack your guitar for the trip but I don't recommend this one.

I suppose this is one way to pack your guitar for the trip but I don't recommend this one.

Unless you are a world famous rock star with a team of roadies and a private jet, you have had to suffer through the daunting, and occasionally in-dignifying, task of managing you gear during travel.  There are many options out there to address this and I will touch on a few but, let's face it, this is an ugly beast no matter how you slice it.  Most of the time I'm traveling, I have at least one guitar in tow.  Now a days, I tend to stick to ground for my traveling needs; but I have flown dozens and dozens of times over the past 15 years or so and if I didn't bring a guitar with me for my stay, I usually brought one back from where ever I went.

The photo below pretty much sums up how I feel during most of my air travel experiences.  Any of us who have traveled by plane have had to deal with high fares, added fees, strict security protocols, tight seating, delayed flights, cancelled flights, long lay-overs, or lay overs too short to make your next flight.  This list could go on and on.  I don't believe I have ever had a flying experience that didn't include multiple difficulties.  I would have to say that the worst thing by far is lost luggage, and I have had to deal with this more than once.  I did a lot of commercial flying during my time in the Marine Corps, for both my leave time and while traveling under orders.  It was during my first leave period right after boot camp that I had to deal with my first lost bag.  They did eventually find it and even deliver it to me... the day before I had to fly back.  I had to buy buy cloths so I had something clean to wear for my 10 day stay back home.  Epic fail.  

 Imagine you work for the airlines or even just at the airport and you had to deal with this face 1000 times per day.  James T. Kirk doesn't believe in a no win scenario but perhaps he would if he were flying commercially instead of on the Enterprise.

Imagine you work for the airlines or even just at the airport and you had to deal with this face 1000 times per day.  James T. Kirk doesn't believe in a no win scenario but perhaps he would if he were flying commercially instead of on the Enterprise.

As the years went on, I got a little wiser to the little things that you can do to make air travel go a little smoother.  The best advice I can give is this, be kind and courteous to the staff of airlines, TSA, and the airport in general.  They have to deal with frustrated and irritated people all day, every day; and a friendly face can sometimes go a long way.  You catch more flies with honey as they say.  

This philosophy has served me well over the years, even to the point that I can usually get the flight attendants to make room in there personal storage closet for my guitar.  This hasn't always worked out though, there was one occasion where one of the baggage handlers came up to the passenger compartment and snatched my guitar case right from my hands and stormed off without the least bit of explanation.  This happened while the flight attendant was making room for my newly acquired vintage acoustic guitar in their personal closet at the back of the plane.  

Seconds after it was snatched away, she had finished making room and turned around to see me with flabbergasted look and no guitar.  It was the most terrifying flight of my life.  I had no claim ticket for my guitar and in the best case scenario it was in the unpressurized belly of the plane (hopefully the same one I was on).  

I do understand that airline personnel are often under pressure to ensure the flight leaves on time but this was a real nightmare for me and the plane was still boarding when it happened.  The baggage handler in question actually pushed people out of the way to get off the plane with my guitar.  My instrument did arrive undamaged but the whole experience was truly unpleasant.

Strobel guitar

Extreme and unusual circumstances aside, the challenge of air travel is higher if you want to bring a guitar along for your trip.  With the ever increasing difficulty of air travel, many innovative guitarists and luthiers have tackled the issue of making guitars more travel friendly.  

Pictured above is a Strobel guitar.  A very interesting design that allows you to quickly and easily disconnect the neck from the body and fit the entire instrument into a medium sized brief case.  I cannot say that I would keep one of these as my primary playing guitar but if I were having to fly several times per month, as some people do, I would definitely look into one of these.  The Strobel might not be your ideal guitar but it definitely caters to the convenience of the busy traveler.

Voyage-air Guitar

If the Strobel is a bit to minimalist for you and you need to have something that is more full sized, the Voyage-Air is great option to consider.  It takes up a little more space but it is still within the limits of a carry on bag and it's obviously much closer to a conventional guitar playing experience.  These are definitely worth a look, even if it is only to marvel at the masterfully engineered folding neck joint.  

 Shout out to Mark Bunce of  Fastlane International  for reaching out to me and inspiring this article.

Shout out to Mark Bunce of Fastlane International for reaching out to me and inspiring this article.

Perhaps collapsable travel guitars are not for you and you really need a solution that gets the your classically constructed, "normal person" guitar to your destination with out hassle.  If this the case, then a parcel or courier service might work well for you.  There are things to consider such as shipping time and cost effectiveness but there is definitely an opportunity here to ease some the stress of travel.  I have flown quite a bit, but I have shipped items a whole lot more and I have observed a much lower package loss rate with parcel services than I have a baggage loss rate with airlines.  All that being said, you really have to weigh the time and cost factor.  Overnight or two day shipping can be pricy, but if you are going on an extended stay trip and can wait a few days the cost of shipping can be comparable to the cost of an extra bag on a flight.

Alpaca Guitar

Enough about the air travel nightmare, I'm sticking to the ground whenever possible these days.  For me a hardshell case and a little trunk space is the best solution, but I don't mind driving on long trips.  I like to take my time and enjoy the trip itself; life's a journey, not a destination.  That being said I will touch on one more mode of travel. Travel by foot.  There was certainly a time in my life when I enjoyed hiking and camping, but after 13 years of active service in the Marine Corps, I tend to prefer, and respect the creature comforts these days.  

Perhaps one day I will eventually come back around to idea of hiking and camping for recreation and, when I do, the Alpaca travel guitar will most likely be a front runner for instrument choice.  This has to be one of the most well thought out guitar concepts I have seen in quite some time, outside the box thinking would be an understatement.  From material selection to design, the Alpaca has really broken new ground developing an ideal travel instrument.  It may appear odd at first glance, but I have taken a good hard look at this and everything about this product was designed deliberately with functionality and practicality of purpose in mind.  The Alpaca is a design that holds true to my own principles of innovation and, even though it isn't for everybody, I hold it with the highest respect as an innovative concept.

If you have stuck with me this far through my first "non-guitar pick centric" article, I thank you.  I suppose I have to promote my own products somehow so use coupon code TRAVEL10 to get 10% off if you decide to order a Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick.  Also, if you have a questions or comments please get in touch with me.  Your idea could be featured.  That's all for now, and until next time...

Play with fire...

In your heart

Corey W. 

Bass Guitar

That title should end with a question mark.  Mostly because I am the one writing this and, though I play bass a little, I am by no means an expert on the bass guitar.  What makes this even more awkward is the fact that on the rare occasion I play a real bass, I use my fingers.  That goes back to my early days of playing music and the instructor that taught me how to play the bass was quite passionate about not using picks.  That story is for another time.

So you might be wondering how I could even fathom writing an article that will essentially state that the Dragon's Heart is the best pick for the bass.  Well it basically boils down to this; the bass player for the band I am currently playing with uses the Dragon's Heart.  He actually was using them before we even met and I think that might have helped me get the gig with them.  Also, bass players from some other bands around the country have contacted me stating how much they love the Dragon's Heart for bass.

Dragon's Heart

It is still a little difficult writing this article.  I feel some tightness in my chest due to the panic that follows the mere suggestion that a pick could be great for playing bass.  But based on the feedback that I received from so many bass players, I can't help but believe that there is definitely something to this.  Also, I have to admit that, against everything I was taught, the Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick does work very well on the bass guitar.  

One of the first bass players that ever contacted me was Boris Sin of Darkness Within.  When Boris originally contacted me and we started talking I assumed he was a electric six string player. I was quite surprised when I realized that he was talking about how much he loved the Dragon's Heart for playing bass.  To this day Boris is still an enthusiastic advocate of the Dragon's Heart and we still converse on occasion.  Like I said, Boris is the bass player for Darkness Within.  They are a Nu Metal band out of North Carolina.  You can check them out on FaceBook here.  They really go all out with costumes and the show.  They really have a shock rock/horror style but don't be put off by that.  Boris is one of the nicest people I have ever met and I am really glad to have a real working musician like him on my side.  

 Boris Sin behind his Ibanez Bass and Original Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick

Boris Sin behind his Ibanez Bass and Original Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick

So is the Dragon's Heart the best pick for bass?  I have to say that, based on what I have been told by bass players, it most certainly is.  I'm still partial to finger playing but I think, with therapy, I will be able to work through that issue.  The case has been made to me and I'm convinced that, if you are going to play bass with a pick, you can do no better than the Dragon's Heart.  

Until next time...

Play with fire...

In your heart.

Corey W. 


That might be the longest article title ever.  As it so happens, it might be both the least and best fit title for this article at the same time.  Let's get the short story out of the way.  How is this the best fit title?  The best guitar pick is the Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick.  If you don't believe me then just snoop around on YouTube and the rest of the internet.  Enough has been said on this matter.  

 The Best Guitar Pick Period.

The Best Guitar Pick Period.

So if this article isn't about how Dragon's Heart Guitar Picks are the best, then what is it about?  All of my articles have really been centered around this topic, and I suppose that was the right way to go at the time.  I suppose it was necessary to do that to get us out there into the market, but now we are there.  So what's next?  Well if you hold on for just a few more sentences I'll tell you.  Geez you're pushy!!!  

I'm changing the format for everything we are doing to reach out to our audience.  I'm changing my YouTube videos (yeah I know I haven't done one in a while, but that is going to change), I'm changing our newsletter, and I am changing these blog articles.  I'm also changing the way we are posting on our social channels.

Im tired of pushing the Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick; and, if you are following any of our channels, I have become certain that you are tired of hearing me push them.  Yes, they are great, but if you follow us you probably already know that.  Yes, I love them, but let's be honest; hearing that from me over and over gets old quick.  Besides, I'm not just all about guitar picks.  Shocking!!! I know.

C. Whitney Guitars

Most people know us as Dragon's Heart Guitar Picks, but in reality we are C. Whitney Guitars.  BOOM!!! I said it.  Our branding just turned into every companies worst nightmare.  We are C. Whitney Guitars and we are not just about guitar picks. The Dragon's Heart just happened to be our first great product.  We have many more just waiting to be proofed and produced.  The next of which I started developing due to popular demand.  The details of this are for another time but for now I will at least tell you that I'm calling it the Dragon's Scale Guitar Pick.  

I know I said we are not just about guitar picks and then mentioned a new guitar pick as our latest project under development.  I have to subordinate to the demand, at least to some degree.  That is the real point of this article though.  We have the guitar pick thing down and we are going to keep running with it.  Please keep the input, questions, and challenges coming.  I love all of that stuff, but also keep in mind, I have a lot more to offer.

I have to keep most details of my projects very secret.  I have already leaked some photos and minor details about some of the upcoming projects.  I can't resist sharing what I can with the world, but I am under strict orders not to share the game changing details until we release the finalized product.  I say "strict orders", but I'm the boss so I guess I can do as I please.  However, just like all the other marketing stuff we have done in the past, I have to defer to the judgement of those who know better about certain things. 

 Our Dragons wing Headstock prototype with decal logo.    We will not be using stickers when it goes to production.

Our Dragons wing Headstock prototype with decal logo.  

We will not be using stickers when it goes to production.

Beyond our products, C. Whitney Guitars is about innovation.  Finally, we are getting to the meat and potatoes of this article.  I have decided to take our core concept and apply it to our social channels and loyal audience.  We are about innovation, and I am going to bring that to you, even if we are not the ones doing it.  I can't invent a new product every week; but I see, meet, and know a lot of people who are doing such things and I get to see new things and ideas all the time.  So from now on I'm sharing those with you.

In addition to sharing these interesting new things, I am going to make it a point to start answering questions.  Oh man, do I get a lot of questions.  Mostly on guitar pick stuff, but among my personal social circle, my knowledge is often sought after for everything from music and recording, to gear and science.  I often get asked the same questions over and over, so I'm going to share my answers to popular questions with everyone through this blog, YouTube, and our social channels.  I know I might regret this at some point but... ask away.  I'll tackle anything.  

So I am sharing innovation, knowledge, and ...  

 Our biggest promotion ever.

Our biggest promotion ever.

Promotions.  This is a must.  We are a business after all, and I have to feed my family, so I am going to run a product promotion with all of my articles, videos, and newsletters.  I have to sell to survive and we are always thankful for your support.  I have always made an effort put out some good discounts, promotional giveaways, and support contests to give back to the awesome community that supports us.  I fully intend to continue this effort, expand upon it, and make it more interesting; but please keep in mind that your support is the main thing that keeps this going.

So I guess the closing summary is this:  From here on out I am going to answer your questions, show you innovation, and offer you the best deal that I can on my own products.  I definitely won't flood your inbox everyday.  Maybe a couple of times a month you'll see us show up and I can bring something exciting into your life.  Maybe I can show you something new.  Maybe... if I am really lucky...  I can inspire someone else to see what I see and be excited about new things.  At a minimum, I hope you will all...  

Play With Fire...

In Your Heart.

Corey W. 


If you have arrived at this article, chances are good that you are beginning your journey into the world of guitar.  This can be a daunting task, I know.  Believe it or not, I was there once myself.  I spent many hours in one of the local music shops trying to pick out my first guitar which was very difficult at the time because I knew almost nothing about them.  Fortunately for me (sort of),  I was on a limited budget so my options were somewhat limited.  I eventually settled on a white Peavey Raptor that would later gain the nickname "Rhandi", but that story is for another time.  This guitar has served me well throughout my journey.  After many years and few upgrades, it is now my son's guitar.  When I first purchased this guitar, the cost after taxes happened to work out to almost all the money I had.  I literally only had a few coins left with which to purchase a pick, so I purchased one from the 25 cent pick bin.  Believe it or not, I still have this pick today.  I believe it began it's life as a Fender medium but I can't be 100% certain at this point. 

 My first on the left compared with a new Fender medium.

My first on the left compared with a new Fender medium.

So, what does it really mean to be a beginner?  Obviously, if you have acquired your first guitar with the last month, you qualify as a beginner.  How long will you meet that definition?  Over the years I have read a lot of articles making claims that it takes 8,000 to 10,000 hours to become a master of certain abilities.  I'm sure there is data to back this up somewhere, but I'm also certain that along with that data, there is someone right there to sell you a shortcut.  Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Expert, Master... these terms are very subjective.  I probably logged around 800 to 1,000 hours on the guitar in my first year playing, and that was enough to be able to form my first original band.  I would not claim any degree of mastery at that point, but I feel safe saying that anyone should progress beyond beginner status after that many hours.

 Rhandi as she exists today.  Some upgrades applied:)

Rhandi as she exists today.  Some upgrades applied:)

It was in that second year of playing, and my first year with a band, that I really started upgrading my gear to a more professional level.  Though now I might question the tastes and decisions of the younger me, I was making progress in the quality of my amps, effects, and instruments.  This progress continued for many years, but through all that gear, I actually stuck by my medium gauge, celluloid picks.  It wasn't until around 2010 that it hit me that there must be a better pick.  By this time, the rest of the gear I was using was pretty much top of the line.  Even with top level gear, my skill was still reaching a plateau.  So I started looking into better picks.  Even though there were picks out there that got me a little bit further toward my goal of mastery, I couldn't find the answer I was looking for.  Long story short, I decided to make my own.

 The beginning

The beginning

So without boring you with the long story of how this came to be, let us get back to the main point of this article.  Why is the Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick the best guitar pick for beginners?  To best explain this, I must site the words of a great instructor of mine.

 "Excellence is about the pursuit of perfection.  Practice makes permanent.  Practice perfection without regard to speed.  Speed will come with time.  Slow is steady, steady is smooth, smooth is fast."  

When it comes to any physical discipline, I doubt wiser words were ever spoken.  The core of the Dragon's Heart concept is founded in consistency.  Thin picks are often given to, and used by, beginners because they are very forgiving to sloppy play and error.  Thin picks, however, violate the main function of the guitar pick. The purpose of the pick is to displace the strings causing vibration.  Thin picks do this, but the thin picks are usually displaced more than the strings.  This results in more motion in your fingers, hand, and arm.  Thin picks generally wear quickly as well, which means that the pick's physical dimensions are constantly changing as you play.  Both of these properties hinder consistency.  

 The final sketch

The final sketch

The Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick was designed to mimic the desirable, three dimensional characteristics of a thin pick without the excess recoil and motion of the same.  This is of even greater benefit when you progress to sweeping and alternate picking.  The materials for the Dragon's Heart were chosen because they resist erosion.  This provides more consistent play over an extended period of time.  The result is a pick that guides you towards consistency on an almost instinctive level.  For beginners, I recommend either the Pure Dragon's Heart or a 6 pack of my Faux Dragon's Heart Picks.  If you are like me and good at keeping track of things, the Pure is your best bet.  If you are looking to get more picks for your money, pick up a Faux 6 pack.

 From the first run.

From the first run.

The Dragons' Heart Guitar Pick is the result of my many years of experience.  I fully believe that it is, with out doubt, the best pick available.  Obviously, it was not available when I was a beginner.  For me to say that it is "the best pick for beginners", is a very subjective and loaded statement.  Don't take my word for it.  There is a now an over-whelming amount of articles and reviews about these picks on youtube and other gear sites.  Further, all the local guitar instructors I know personally are avid users of my picks and they always suggest that their students practice with them.  

 One of the latest.

One of the latest.

I am going to close this with the same thing I pretty much always say.  There is no wrong way to play.  If you like your sound, then you are doing it right.  No one can tell you what gear is best for you, only you can decide that and don't let anyone tell you that something you like is bad.  Keep those things in mind, but never stop pursuing new gear and new techniques.  And, as always...

Play with fire...

In your heart:)

Corey W.


Who doesn't like free gear?  I think it is safe to say that we all like free gear and we come across giveaways every now and again.  The most common things I've received for free over the years are are pretty basic; stickers, t-shirts, pens, key chains, lanyards, and beverage containers.   Occasionally, I will come across something of this nature that I like and hold on to for a little while.  Most of the time, these things end up in the recycle bin.

 Look at all this cool stuff our customers can throw away after we leave.

Look at all this cool stuff our customers can throw away after we leave.

Most companies in the music industry are known to do this as well.  Some will even have picks mass produced with their logos and contact info just to hand out.  Unfortunately, they are usually not high quality and, let's face it, you'll probably dispose of it or it will end up in that pile-o-picks that every guitarist has.  So... how can you get good picks for free?

One word.  #GuitarPickWednesday

 In case you haven't heard, the bird is not the word. 

In case you haven't heard, the bird is not the word. 

I know what you are thinking and yes, technically that is more than one word.  If you follow us on Facebook and Twitter, you've heard about our #GuitarPickWednesday giveaway.  Every week we giveaway an Original, Pure, or Hardened pick to one lucky fan.  For free.  That's right, free.  Just enter the contest and you're set!  You don't even need a Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Instagram account to enter.  We set up options for everyone to be able to enter. There are even daily entry options to help increase your chances.  The entry process takes no more than a minute.

I get dozens of requests from guitarists asking if they can try a pick out before they buy.  Trust me, if I had some sort of pick check out/rental system, I'd let every one "try" them out.  I would love to be able to give at least one Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick to everyone who wanted one but the simple fact is that these are expensive to produce.  #GuitarPickWednesday is definitely your best bet on grabbing a Dragon's Heart for free.

We LOVE our endorsers and their subscribers!

But still, one pick a week isn't enough is it?  I agree.  We have incredible fans and I'm always looking for ways to give back.  The amount of feedback, reviews, pictures, and videos we've received over the past 6+ months is insane!  So insane that we've decided to sponsor a select few reviewers.  All of them love the picks and want to share them with their subscribers.  We've supplied them with their personal allowance of picks and more for them to giveaway!  If you're signed up for our newsletter, you already know who they are.  Don't worry though!  We officially announce them on Facebook periodically so make sure you've 'liked' us.

The bottom line...  Free stuff?  Good!  Free Dragon's Heart Guitar Picks?  VERY good!!! Make sure you're following us on all our social media platforms or you're subscribed to our newsletter for updates. 

The more we grow, the more we can giveaway.  Sharing is always good and if I have anything to say about it, share we shall.  Since I am the inventor, owner, and resident expert on all things guitar pick; what I say goes.  Period.

Until next time... Play with fire, in your heart!

Corey W.



Who doesn't like free gear?  I think it is safe to say that we all like free gear and we come across giveaways every now and again.  The most common things I've received for free over the years are are pretty basic; stickers, t-shirts, pens, key chains, lanyards, and beverage containers.   Occasionally, I will come across something of this nature that I like and hold on to for a little while.  Most of the time, these things end up in the recycle bin.

Look at all this cool stuff our customers can throw away after we leave.

Look at all this cool stuff our customers can throw away after we leave.

Most companies in the music industry are known to do this as well.  Some will even have picks mass produced with their logos and contact info just to hand out.  Unfortunately, they are usually not high quality and, let's face it, you'll probably dispose of it or it will end up in that pile-o-picks that every guitarist has.  So... how can you get good picks for free?

One word.  #GuitarPickWednesday

In case you haven't heard, the bird is not the word. 

In case you haven't heard, the bird is not the word. 

I know what you are thinking and yes, technically that is more than one word.  If you follow us on Facebook and Twitter, you've heard about our #GuitarPickWednesday giveaway.  Every week we giveaway an Original, Pure, or Hardened pick to one lucky fan.  For free.  That's right, free.  Just enter the contest and you're set!  You don't even need a Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Instagram account to enter.  We set up options for everyone to be able to enter. There are even daily entry options to help increase your chances.  The entry process takes no more than a minute.

I get dozens of requests from guitarists asking if they can try a pick out before they buy.  Trust me, if I had some sort of pick check out/rental system, I'd let every one "try" them out.  I would love to be able to give at least one Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick to everyone who wanted one but the simple fact is that these are expensive to produce.  #GuitarPickWednesday is definitely your best bet on grabbing a Dragon's Heart for free.

But still, one pick a week isn't enough is it?  I agree.  We have incredible fans and I'm always looking for ways to give back.  The amount of feedback, reviews, pictures, and videos we've received over the past 6+ months is insane!  So insane that we've decided to sponsor a select few reviewers.  All of them love the picks and want to share them with their subscribers.  We've supplied them with their personal allowance of picks and more for them to giveaway!  If you're signed up for our newsletter, you already know who they are.  Don't worry though!  We officially announce them on Facebook periodically so make sure you've 'liked' us.

The bottom line...  Free stuff?  Good!  Free Dragon's Heart Guitar Picks?  VERY good!!! Make sure you're following us on all our social media platforms or you're subscribed to our newsletter for updates. 

The more we grow, the more we can giveaway.  Sharing is always good and if I have have anything to say about it, share we shall.  Since I am the inventor, owner, and resident expert on all things guitar pick; what I say goes.  Period.

Until next time... Play with fire, in your heart!

Corey W.


Who doesn't like free gear?  I think it is safe to say that we all like free gear and we come across giveaways every now and again.  The most common things I've received for free over the years are are pretty basic; stickers, t-shirts, pens, key chains, lanyards, and beverage containers.   Occasionally, I will come across something of this nature that I like and hold on to for a little while.  Most of the time, these things end up in the recycle bin.

Look at all this cool stuff our customers can throw away after we leave.

Look at all this cool stuff our customers can throw away after we leave.

Most companies in the music industry are known to do this as well.  Some will even have picks mass produced with their logos and contact info just to hand out.  Unfortunately, they are usually not high quality and, let's face it, you'll probably dispose of it or it will end up in that pile-o-picks that every guitarist has.  So... how can you get good picks for free?

One word.  #GuitarPickWednesday

In case you haven't heard, the bird is not the word. 

In case you haven't heard, the bird is not the word. 

I know what you are thinking and yes, technically that is more than one word.  If you follow us on Facebook and Twitter, you've heard about our #GuitarPickWednesday giveaway.  Every week we giveaway an Original, Pure, or Hardened pick to one lucky fan.  For free.  That's right, free.  Just enter the contest and you're set!  You don't even need a Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Instagram account to enter.  We set up options for everyone to be able to enter. There are even daily entry options to help increase your chances.  The entry process takes no more than a minute.

I get dozens of requests from guitarists asking if they can try a pick out before they buy.  Trust me, if I had some sort of pick check out/rental system, I'd let every one "try" them out.  I would love to be able to give at least one Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick to everyone who wanted one but the simple fact is that these are expensive to produce.  #GuitarPickWednesday is definitely your best bet on grabbing a Dragon's Heart for free.

We LOVE our endorsers and their subscribers!

But still, one pick a week isn't enough is it?  I agree.  We have incredible fans and I'm always looking for ways to give back.  The amount of feedback, reviews, pictures, and videos we've received over the past 6+ months is insane!  So insane that we've decided to sponsor a select few reviewers.  All of them love the picks and want to share them with their subscribers.  We've supplied them with their personal allowance of picks and more for them to giveaway!  If you're signed up for our newsletter, you already know who they are.  Don't worry though!  We officially announce them on Facebook periodically so make sure you've 'liked' us.

The bottom line...  Free stuff?  Good!  Free Dragon's Heart Guitar Picks?  VERY good!!! Make sure you're following us on all our social media platforms or you're subscribed to our newsletter for updates. 

The more we grow, the more we can giveaway.  Sharing is always good and if I have anything to say about it, share we shall.  Since I am the inventor, owner, and resident expert on all things guitar pick; what I say goes.  Period.

Until next time... Play with fire, in your heart!

Corey W.




Rock 'n' roll! Loud guitars, flailing hair, cheap booze & stories you'll never tell your future children about.  As guitar players, most of us started at the same place.  Standing in the mirror, holding a tennis racket while giving the "metal horns" & imagining the crowd basking in our glory.  Great work if you can get it but even the coolest rocker needed to learn the basics before they attained limo status.

 If you don't know who this is you better axe somebody.  Pun intended.

If you don't know who this is you better axe somebody.  Pun intended.

In this case we're talking about your choice of guitar pick.  Pick choice helps your ability to recreate that sound in your head.  If you look into different genres of music, you will notice that pick choice often varies per genre.  Since we're talking specifically about Rock music in this article, we'll focus on pick choice for electric guitars.

I LOVE ROCK 'N' ROLL.... but what is it?

Rock of course has more variation than most other genres.  Do you want to sound more like The Eagles or ZZ Top?  Are you a strummer like many Punk rockers or a picker more akin to Jimmy Page?  Trying to get the best of both worlds is a trial & error process with most picks, but the design of the Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick gives you three distinctly different, optimized edges allowing you to perform a wide variety of techniques and transition between those techniques easily.  If I had to choose one Dragon's Heart model as the best for rock I would have to go with the Hardened.  I am very much a rock player and the Hardened Dragon's Heart is the one that I use.

Any really heavy rock type music will benefit from a stiff, heavy gauge pick.  Your attack is helped or hampered by pick choice.  Attack is basically a combination of your own picking technique and your pick choice.  It's a reflection of who you are as a player & also a useful tool to get across whatever mood you're trying to create. A stiffer pick helps with accuracy but will also really push that signal through your pickups to provide the heaviness you're after.  A nice "sweep" technique is hard to do with a flimsy pick while a heavier gauge provides that reinforcement needed for clarity and speed.  This is where the Dragon's Heart Guitar pick comes in to play.  The stiffness and thickness contribute to its accuracy and the beveled edge provides smooth, swift glide over the strings. Your pick "attack" 


  Not the kind of attack we were talking about.

 Not the kind of attack we were talking about.

Is the Hardened Dragon's Heart the best guitar pick for rock?  Only you can decide what is best for you and your style.  I will, however, finish this article by pointing out that I play many varied styles of rock and the Hardened Dragon's Heart is the only pick I use.  The Dragon's Heart has also been embraced by many other players across all genres of music.  

Also... the Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick does go to 11.

                                                                                                        "Goes to 11" amp mod. 

                                                                                                       "Goes to 11" amp mod. 

What other rock guitarists think...

Using it like a standard pick is pretty easy, even for players used to standard medium weight picks. The beveled edge offers plenty of attack and the heart “half” is great for rhythm styles, while the “horn” side offers up hyper accurate attack for both shred masters and jazz boppers.
— Performer Magazine
A really surprising pick, has the perfect size and thickness.
Its three areas of attack are great, but I liked the rounded area to play chords, slides across the strings in a very nice and precise.
I like to play a bit of everything, Blues, Jazz, Rock, Heavy... and easily adapts to any situation.
In short a pick”multitasking”, very versatile and enjoyable to use.
Great job, guys of Dragon’s Heart...
— Alfredo Espinosa

Let's just skip to the part where I tell you my very biased opinion.  The Dragon's Heart Guitar Pick is the best guitar pick period.  I am primarily an electric guitar player and I spent over three years developing the Dragon's Heart.  I did this with one goal in mind; create the single greatest pick that I have ever played with and, that is exactly what I have done.  I have tried just about everything out there and I still try anything new that I come across but, the Dragon's Heart is still the one I use every day, for every guitar I play, and every style of music I play.  

Dragon's Heart Picks

 Pure, hardened, and original dragon's heart guitar picks in packaging

Pure, hardened, and original dragon's heart guitar picks in packaging

Now of course I love it, I made it.  It really goes without saying at this point that I believe it is the best pick out there.  You don't have to take my word for it though, you can search all the reviews from other players that have been posted online and see that there really is something to this.  Is the Dragon's Heart really the best pick for electric guitar?  Only you can decide what is best for you.  

 Jimmy Page

Jimmy Page

We all have different playing styles.  Even different players that fall within the same genre of music can have vastly different styles of play, and each player's style changes and evolves as they progress in their pursuit of music.  A lot of us try a lot of different guitars, amps and effects over the years.  I have spent countless hours in stores playing with new toys and spent more than I should have a time or two on something that I felt I couldn't live without.  One of the things that a lot of us overlook is the guitar pick.  I know I did for most of my years as a player.  

 sad but true

sad but true

The guitar pick is one of the most crucial elements in anyone's pursuit of their ideal sound and playing capability.  It is also the one piece of equipment that is cheap enough that most of us can afford to try them all.  People often comment on how expensive the Dragon's Heart is and I can certainly understand the sticker shock on something like this.  The Dragon's Heart is more expensive than the most common picks but it is still in the mid-range of high quality, boutique style picks.  I assure you, the price is not inflated.  My goal was to produce a pick of the highest quality and keep it 100% made in the USA, the price is a result of that endeavor.  If I could sell them for less, I would.  Hell if I could give them away for free, I would do that.  I think they are the best and I want every player out there to have one.  But I digress...

 Keep hands off guitar!!!

Keep hands off guitar!!!

The main point that I was trying to get to was this; most of us would love to own one of every guitar out there. This really isn't practical or affordable but, most of us can own nearly every pick on the market and still spend far less than we would on even one mid range guitar.  The pick collection also takes up much less space.  This might seem silly to some but I myself progressed further as a player looking into better guitar picks than I ever did searching for the best guitar.  I can play a $200 guitar better with a Dragon's Heart than I can a $3000 guitar with any other pick.   

 ultimate guitar rig

ultimate guitar rig

What Other Electric Players Are Saying...

Don't just take our word for it, read what other electric guitarists have to say about Dragon's Heart Guitar Picks.  From our friends at the Thoughtful Guitarist and In The Blues

DH is all about strong note definition — complex chords ring out brilliantly, with a pleasant amount of brassy splash preceding the crisp “crack” of the note.
— Ari - Thoughtful Guitarist
I like seeing new and unique stuff being made and this is absolutely one of those things you have to try out to really experience, but acoustically to my ear and electrically, they sound louder.
— Shane - In The Blues

Watch as Shane from In The Blues offers a great, amped up sound comparison.

The bottom line is this;  The Dragon's Heart is the best guitar pick out there.  I will never waver from that opinion.  If you don't believe me, I encourage you to try every pick you can get your hands on.  Even if you come to a different conclusion than I did, you will still be a better player for the experience.

Until next time...  Play with fire, in your heart!!!

Corey W.